Emergency Supply Kit

Important numbers

UF Police Department


UF Housing & Residence Education


UF Emergency Housing Repairs


UF Facilities Services Emergency Work Request


UF Rumor Control

1-866-UF FACTS (866-833-2287)

Alachua County Rumor Control


Alachua County Division of Emergency Management


GRU Power Outages / Downed Power Lines


Hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30. You should always have a fully stocked emergency supply kit throughout hurricane season. A basic emergency supply kit includes a minimum of 3 days’ worth of supplies. A kit should be customized to your specific needs and situation.

Below are general guidelines to follow in creating a kit and more information can be found here: emergency.ufl.edu/get-ready/build-a-kit/


Minimum guidance is 1 gallon per day, per person with half for drinking and half for sanitation. Before the storm, fill large containers (such as clean soda bottles) with water for drinking and cooking, and fill the bathtub for cleaning and flushing.

Shelf-Stable Food

Store food that does not require refrigeration or preparation such as canned goods or shelf-stable meals.

Manual Can Opener

Keep a manual can opener on hand even if you have an electric can opener in case the power goes out.

Battery-Powered Radio

It is important to monitor local media and a battery-powered radio can be used when electrical service is out (some even come with cell phone charging attachments).


Have a flashlight in case the power goes out and always keep extra batteries on hand.


Have extra batteries on hand in order to power your radio, flashlight, and other supplies in the event that the power goes out. Some power outages can last for days, even after the storm has passed.

First-Aid Supplies

Check your supply of nonprescription pain relievers, band-aids, antibacterial ointment, insect repellent, sunscreen and other items.

Special Needs Items

These items could include prescription medications, infant formula or any other specific needs you or your family may have.

Toiletries/Hygiene Items

Store extra hygiene items, including feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper.

Important Documents

Store copies of key documents, including your insurance policy, driver’s license, birth certificate, Social Security card, and passport.


With the power out, some stores may not be able to take credit cards, debit cards, or other forms of electronic payment. Always have some cash on hand.

Pet Care Items

If you have pets, make sure you have emergency supplies for them as well!